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  Home > N.P Posets - Maladeta > Ibon Gorgutes and Peak Sacreux
Índice de Rutas
Ibon Gorgutes and Peak Sacreux Route
Description Rooute 
This route is of low difficulty to reach the lake Gorgutes, the last part, up to Peak Sacreux, is of medium difficulty because we have to grimp for a considerable stretch and is not suitable for people who suffer from vertigo, but if we we decided to go we could see a breathtaking view of the French Pyrenees.
French Pyrenees 
This route starts at the foot of the road linking the town of Benasque with Baños de Benasque, simply follow the road and when we see its end we will know we've just reached the beginning of the route.
At the very end of the road will be two signposts of the 2 routes begining here, the route Puerto de la Glera and Ibon de Gorgutes Route, this route will pass through both sites and then goes to Peak Sacroux.
It is marked by green and blue marks and by stone markers all the way though to be a high mountain route, depending of the season it would be hidden under the snow, if we do it on spring or summer we suggest to carry sunscreen because we wont find shade on parts of the track.
Torrent Gorgutes 
When we start the route we will see that the path climbs steeply along a small creek, which we must cross.
If we look at the top we can see one of the waterfalls of this route.
In this first part we will be surrounded by moist vegetation such as ferns and brambles, we will see spruce and black pine too.
After climbing up the path formed by stone steps and have done part of the slope, we find that flows into a grassland area with abundant flowers under the crests of the Montañeta.
La Montañeta 
The road winds up the mountain and brings us closer to Torrent of Gorgutes.
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Panorámica Glaciar Maladeta y Las Tres Hermanas de Paderna